Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I started a facebook page a few months ago. I'm still not real clear on the whole purpose of it though. But I don't really do anything with it, other than playing Mafia Wars. And even that has been getting somewhat boring lately. But the reason I did it was to see if I could find any people from high school with whom I had lost touch. I wasn't able to go to either my 15 or 20 year class reunions. Well I found a bunch of people from my class added them as friends, and boom... still no real contact. There were a couple of people that I sent a message or two to, which was cool, but the others are all just sort of "there". So what was the point then really?

I did do some searching and found a couple of cousins on there though that I haven't seen in forever, so maybe I'll be able to stay in touch with some family that I never see. We'll see how that goes.