Saturday, June 20, 2009

Last Day of School

Last Friday the 12th was the last day of school! Sarah is done with grade school and will be off to Junior High in the fall. Boy, it's hard to believe. It seems like just yesterday that she was getting on the bus for the first time. I went back to look and I couldn't find any pictures of her first day of Kindergarten, but here is Sarah (and Ali) waiting for the bus on her last day of grade school.

As a treat I took a vacation day and we picked up the girls at the end of their half day of school and took them down to the Milwaukee Public Museum. We missed the Titanic Exhibit by a couple of weeks, but we still had fun walking around. Ali was excited to actually get to see the butterfly exhibit, but then when we got there, she wanted to leave right away. She was afraid of having the butterflies land on her, but I still managed a couple of close ups:

I took some more shots of the girls in the museum, but I'll keep from boring you. But the final one I will post is the girls standing in front of Milwaukee legend Sampson. The sign says the model of Samson was created from masks of his face that were taken after he died. It was a lucky thing that they didn't kill him when he broke out after he got mad at the kid who was making funny faces at him.