Sunday, June 21, 2009


Those who know where we live know that we are two houses from the end of the block and that across the street that our road "T"s is a clinic. You can see the clinic from the upstairs windows in Kris and my bedroom. Yesterday I sent the girls outside while I picked up the house a bit and while I was putting stuff away in our room, I hear a loud bang, like a car that ran into something. I turn and look out the window and see a guy rolling in the driveway to the clinic and an SUV half in the driveway. Apparently the SUV rear-ended a motorcycle and the guy went messed up his leg. Ambulances came, cops, and a couple of doctors and nurses came outside to help tend to the guy. The driver of the SUV looked to be a teenager, and he was freaking out. Of course lots of the nosy neighbors around here had to walk down to the end of the street to watch everything that was happening. The guy was taken away in an ambulance with a large inflatable cast on his leg, so I would assume that he either snapped a twig, or messed his knee up by putting a leg down after the SUV hit him. Boy, lots of exciting stuff happening here lately.