Saturday, August 15, 2009

Days Off

Well it is almost the end of the summer so I took a couple of days off last week to do something with Kris and the girls. Thursday we ended up driving out to Holy Hill. We have driven past it several times and Alison has always wondered what the church was like so we told her we'd take her. We didn't climb the towers but we did go up to the church and stood on the observation decks and looked out over the surrounding landscape. It was a bit hazy but still some spectacular views. Then we took he inside and let he see the church. Kris and I had only been inside once before so it was a good reminder for us too. The stained glass windows were just beautiful.

After we were done looking around the church we took Ali to the gift shop. We wanted to get her a guardian angel charm or something to help with her worrying and anxiety over the upcoming school year. We found a nice charm for her to put on a chain as well as coin she can keep in her pocket.

Afterward we drove up to West Bend to let her see where my grandfather is buried. I haven't been up to his grave for a couple of years, so it was nice to go visit. I got to be nostalgic telling the girls all about my grandparents' house and how I used to go visit all the time. I don't know how much they really cared but they saw the plaque on the headstone that my grandfather was in the army and I think that impressed them.