Saturday, August 15, 2009

School Shopping

It's that time of year again where we have to do all the shopping for new school clothes and supplies. We took the girls to the mall to use the gift cards they got for their birthdays. We spent at least an hour and a half in Justice and Aeropostle looking for, and trying on clothes. Well, not really "we", just the girls. They found some really good deals on some cute outfits. I'll have to look for some photos because I think that Kris took some pictures in their new outfits.

But along those lines, I have to wonder why i ever go along. It is nice to see the girls picking out their new clothes, but really, I am not much help in offering suggestions or finding matching outfits. I generally end up pacing back and forth in the stores between the racks while Kris helps them look. It's a pretty boring trip for me, but then again, that's what happens when you're the only man in the house.