Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Junior High Registration

Monday night was Sarah's registration night at North Jr. High. We had to go pay all of her fees and get her class schedule and locker assignment. I try to tell myself that its good that she is going to public school, because we could never afford to send her to private school. But when you figure in what we shell out in property taxes to the school district as well as the fees that we just paid it's almost a wash.

Sarah ended up in House 'C'. Don't ask me to explain it, but it is basically a method by which the school breaks up the classes into smaller groups. If I remember correctly, there are going to be something like 300 6th graders this year, so the "houses" are a sort of subdivsion.

Sarah has locker 2123, and she is right outside her homeroom door. All her classes are in the same hall except for one. So hopefully she'll be getting along well. Sarah also had a little trouble with her locker combination. I had to help her out with how to turn the dial. I hope she remembers how to do it come Sept. 1st.