Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Lights

Anyone who knows me knows I am fanatical about putting lights on my Christmas tree. Usually I put them on as I am putting the tree together, but this year due to time constraints, I had put the tree up on Thanksgiving night, Black Friday the lights went on, and now today we will be putting the ornaments on the tree.

This year, I ended up pulling the lights out of the bin and before I even started wrapping the tree, I had 6 strings that were completely out. How do lights go bad just sitting in a bin when they were working when they went in is beyond me. Sort of like wondering where your socks go when they get lost in the dryer.

So before starting I had to go out and get some new lights. I think that should be an annual thing, just buy 10 new strings every year. But once the lights were ready, the stringing began.

This is what 1000 lights looks like.

...and after 1600 lights...

...with 2000 lights...

...2400 Lights and counting....

...and finally... 2700 mini white lights.

I had to go back and look at my previous tree entries and I think that I have topped my all-time grand total for lights on the tree. I'm not sure if that is something to be proud of or not.

So the ornaments will be going on today... check back for pictures of this year's tree.