Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Day '08

While I have learned to keep my personal thoughts about certain things out of my blog here, such as politics and personal thoughts about what is happening at work, I have to gloat about the election yesterday. I came home at lunch and Kris and I went to vote to get Russ Feingold out of office and to also get Scott Walker in as the Governor. It was nice to see that even with all the smears that Barrett and Feingold were tossing out from the Democratic spin machine, that the people of Wisconsin have finally awakened to the fact that Socialism just doesn’t work. And now hopefully Walker will start getting the state back on track by cutting the enormous amount of spending that has been going on here.

And to get rid of Feingold, the “maverick” who really isn’t, is just sweet. I am hopeful that Ron Johnson and the rest of the red tidal wave that happened yesterday will signal a taking back of America to having our officials actually doing the will of the people, and not that of a group of powerful leftists who see government as a vehicle to redistribute the wealth of the country.

Let the countdown to 2012 and BO’s ouster begin. I just hope that in the next two years the Republicans can come up with a viable candidate for President, at least someone who I don’t have to hold my nose for when I cast my vote like I did with McCain.