Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back To School

It's finally back to school time.  Today was Alison's back to school fair where we go fill out paperwork, pay all of our applicable fees, and Ali gets her picture taken. As always, it was a hassle.  I think I complained the last two years but I'll do it again, this is nothing like Riverside's process.  At Riverside, we were in and out in five minutes, or at least it seemed that fast.  The longest part was waiting in line to get Ali's picture taken, because we were able to get all of our forms ahead of time, have them filled out, and then just turn them in.  At Shady Lane, we have to fill out all the forms at school when we get there.  Big Hassle!

This is the last year there however, so the last year we need to put up with it.  Just think, next year Alison is going to be in middle school.