Friday, August 10, 2012

First Trip to Ikea

I took off today because I didn't know if we'd be able to do anything with Sarah for her birthday, So I thought I'd take off on Friday too so that either way I'd have a day so that we could do something fun with Sarah.  The girls had appointments for haircuts but afterward, we were free for the entire day.  Kris had mentioned something about wanting to look for some new shelves for Alison's room and that Ikea had the kind she wanted.  Well the closest Ikea is in Schaumberg, IL.  But since we didn't have anything else planned for the day and there was nothing on the schedule for the night, I figured we would drive down and take a look.

I have never been to an Ikea before, and was curious to see why everyone finds it so appealing.  I had planned out the timing of things so we would miss any sort of rush hour traffic in both directions.  But we got a little late start so we got into a little bit of heavy traffic on the way down.  Ikea itself was quite a store.  In fact, it was HUGE!  A bit overwhelming in fact.  But we got the hang of things going up to the top floor and working our way around and down. We found the shelves we wanted and they were very reasonably priced.  Cheaper than what I was expecting based on the hype around the store.  I'll give them a shot and if they look ok and go up easily, I might just change Sarah's shelves too. 

Alison also found a small lamp for her room.  We are thinking of changing her room around a little bit to make it a little more functional for doing her homework, so once we get that figured out, we'll have a desk to put the lamp on, but for now Ali is going to keep it on the chest next to her bed. 

So in all, not a bad trip.  I just wish there was a store closer than northern Illinois.  I have heard rumors that Ikea is trying to get a store in SE WI, but nothing yet.