Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Kris and Ali have been telling me that they have been getting messages from Sarah saying how miserable she is.  This has me worrying about her.  I thought it would be no problem letting the first baby bird out of the nest to fly on her own.  But I am finding that I am worrying about whether I (we) have done enough to prepare Sarah for life on her own.  I keep thinking that she has to learn it sometime, things like how to do laundry, take care of making sure you get up on time, etc. and that she was able to get by while she was here.  But I think that Sarah may have also felt like she could always fall back on Kris or I to help her with things.  Now we are three hours away and can't be there to catch her.  So it's a little tough thinking about her struggling and dealing with being on her own.  But the best way to learn is to just jump in and do it.  That is what I hope she does and she learns that she is independent and can do  whatever she needs to without the help of mommy and daddy.  Hopefully it won't last too long, but it still makes me worry about her.