Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Emergency TV Repair

Since the TV is totally dead now, I decided to look and see what it might cost to have it evaluated for repair.  I found one place online that claims to be a repair shop.  Amazing that there are not more places around just based on the cost of new TVs alone.  I called and talked to the person there who told me they charged a $50 evaluation fee, which is applied toward the cost of the repair if we choose to go that route.  At best, I figured I would have to spend $2000 anyway for a new TV, so $50 just to find out if I could save some cash sounded like a good deal.

The place is in West Allis and closed at 5:00 PM so I had to hurry and get it there after I got home from work.  The shop is only open certain days, so if I didn’t get it there, I would have to wait until Saturday morning to drop it off.  So I pulled the box out when I got home and got the TV packed up (I knew there was a reason I saved the box).  Actually, I started saving the boxes for all my electronic equipment because in the event anything ever needed to ship back for warranty repairs or replacement I have found that the original box is always good to have, and some places require it.

The guy at the shop seemed very nice.  His shop was actually loaded with old electronics, and a few TVs that he had price tags on.  When I asked, he said that those were TVs that someone authorized to have repaired, but then never picked up.  So the price tags on them were just what the cost of the repair was.  There were actually a couple of cheap TVs I thought Sarah could use at her apartment.  Something to think about while I wait to find out of our TV can be fixed.