Saturday, July 1, 2017

Time To Trap the Chipmunks

For some time now I have been seeing chipmunks in the backyard.  They have been sitting under the bird feeder eating (or is it collecting?) the seeds that fall out of the bird feeder.  I haven’t made a fuss about it since Kris’s flower pots haven’t been dug up at all so I figured I’d just leave them be.  Every now and then I would see a clump of safflower sprouts springing up around the coneflowers, or the hostas, in the mulch around house, but that was no big deal to pull them out.

Today, they started sprouting in Kris’s hibiscus pots.  I took a look at her other pots and found a couple other ones that had spouts in them too.  So I guess that means it is time to get out the traps and relocate the things.  I hope it won’t take too long to catch them.