Sunday, September 3, 2017

Update on Kris's Dad

In the ever evolving saga that is Kris’s dad’s care, we got bad news again this weekend.  Now it looks as if we will have to move her dad.  After first being told to move him, then being told, no, he can stay, we are back to having to get him moved again.  Apparently someone came out to work with him, some sort of rehab specialist, or physical therapy something or other, and they told us that he is basically not safe to continue living at the Arboretum.  He has too much difficulty transferring from his bed to his wheelchair, and from his wheelchair to the toilet, and back.  They are afraid he is a fall risk, and the aides are not allow to help pick him up (or don’t want to).

They had called to ask if we could rearrange his room to make it easier for the time being to have the nurses and aides working with him.  We ended up taking one of his chairs, and moving a bunch of other things into storage and then getting his clothes rearranged.  One of the aides actually talked to us for about a half an hour (more like whined about the work she had to do to take care of him) and told us that yesterday they had left him in bed until lunchtime because he wasn’t able to help himself up, and that he was too heavy for the aides to lift.  Honestly we were shocked that they would have actually admitted to this.  Even if he were able to stay, after hearing they type of care he is receiving, it would only be until we could find a different place that we could find.