Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Trip To The Vet

The cats got the privilege of going to the vet today.  They were going to get their teeth cleaned.  Years ago, the cats got their teeth cleaned when they would go for their yearly checkups.  Now, they are going to be sedated to have them cleaned.  I don’t know if this is the way it is done now, or if we just let it go too long and it is to the point where they can’t do it during the regular checkup.  At any rate, they were dropped off in the morning, and we picked them up around 5:30

In addition to the teeth cleaning, Samson was having a couple of large moles removed.  They had grown so large that when he was brushed the brush would scrape or rub on them and they would end up bleeding.  The vet said that as long as he was out having his teeth done, she could also remove them so that we could brush him again.  Everything went smoothly, but Samson sure looks silly having a big rectangle shaved into his fur.  The vet also put a tight “sweater” on him to one, keep him from licking, and two, it was supposedly to help keep him calm.  However, Samson isn’t like most cats, he HATES being held.  In fact, having it on, is making him the exact opposite of calm.  He is running around like he is hopped up on drugs.  And he has been trying to get the shirt off by biting at it.  The vet told us she needed to “rescue” him once because he got his tooth caught, and we ended up having to get his tooth out of it a couple of times.  Hopefully he won’t get it hooked overnight while we’re all sleeping. 

He goes back in two weeks to get his stitches out.  I hope that he doesn’t end up pulling them out the way he has been licking and biting at his shirt!