Saturday, March 17, 2018


I needed to run to the grocery store this morning, so I thought I would let Alison drive there.  I also thought this would be a good chance to teach her how to pull my car in and out of the garage, since Kris was working and her side of the garage was empty (besides, Kris doesn’t let her drive her car).  I started by having her turn the wheel and start to slowly back out.  I was standing next to the car trying to give her instructions of when to turn, and when to straighten out the wheel, and I also thought I could be a guide for her to see where the fender was as she was turning the wheel.  Well she didn’t have the wheel turned far enough and when she went to straighten out, she would have clipped the mirror on the driver’s door on the garage door.  So I told her to stop, and then said I would have her pull forward and we would try again, this time turning the wheel farther.  

Before I could have her do that though, she put the car into drive and gave it some gas.  So rather than slowly pulling ahead, she jolted forward and rammed the bumper into the lawn chairs that are in front of my car, driving them into the studs of the wall while cracking the bumper cover.  Apparently I hadn’t made it clear that you let the idle move you forward and keep your foot on the brake at all times when you are inching it into the garage.  I know she feels bad about it, but she also thinks she knows everything and doesn’t need to listen to instructions.  Had she just waited until I had told her to go I think we would have been ok.  I was actually going to move in front of my car to help her inch it forward.  If I had, I might have two broken legs right now.