Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bad Drivers

Kris and I were driving out to the place where Alison was at for her friend's birthday party today and I got a late start. I was figuring on 20 minutes to get there (out in Sussex) and I was cleaning up paint chips and putting things away before leaving, so by the time we hit the road, it was 3:41, 19 minutes until the party was supposed to be over. So as we pull out, I figure I will just go a few mph over the limit and we'll get there in plenty of time. After all it is all two lane, country road driving. Well I end up getting stuck behind some clown who is doing about 2 mph BELOW the speed limit. I ended up taking the first turn and taking a different route. We ended up getting there with a couple of minutes to spare. Then after we got home and Sarah left for the football game, we took Ali with to the grocery store. We were driving home some stupid lady decides to do a U-turn as I am pulling out, but then she decides to stop in the opening in the median because there is a car coming, even though there are two full lanes. Turns out the woman is talking on her cell phone as well as working a cigarette, both of which are obviously more important to her than driving her car. Man, I try to be patient but sometimes I wonder how the state of WI decides who gets a driver's license.