Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Breech in the Hull

As I was cleaning up from working outside Sunday I happened to be moving some things around in the basement when I happened to look up near the gas meter. I saw a clump of leaves and grass that looked like a nest sitting under the front corner of the house. It was covered in cobwebs so I figured that it was old, but I looked around the foundation for holes and didn’t see anything. There was obviously something that was living in there at some time in the past 6 months or so. I went outside and shone a flashlight under the siding and asked Sarah to watch for light coming through into the basement and as soon as I got to the corner she yelled. I crawled down to take a look and there was a small hole about an inch in diameter right at the corner of the house. So I took to filling the gap with expandable crack filler from the outside and I will try to get the inside patched with concrete filler.

It’s a good thing we have a cat or we may have had mice running all over the house by now (insert laugh). Actually I think it may have been the chipmunks that we caught this past summer since I saw them going into holes under the porch.