Friday, October 1, 2010

Garbage Pickers

So we got the new microwave set up, but that meant I needed to get rid of the old one. I wasn't sure if the garbagemen would end up taking it, but I figured I would put it down at the curb anyway. So I set it out when I left for work next to the garbage cans.

When I got home I didn't see the microwave, so I figured that the garbagemen took it. I asked Kris about it and she told me that we didn't need to worry, because by the time the girls left for school it was gone. I said, oh the garbage men must have come early, and she said, uh, no they didn't, it was just gone. So in the time between when I left for work, and the time that Sarah left for school, someone came by and just took it. Well, OK, I guess. It was still working after all; I think the keypad was all that needed to be replaced. I just thought it was more of a hassle to repair it, but if someone wants to take a shot at it, ok.