Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Latest

Things have been very busy around the house lately, I don't know where to even start. I have been very busy at work, so I have been putting in 10-11 hour days. I shouldn't complain in this economy though. But last Sunday we got a call from Kris's mom saying she was very short of breath and having lots of difficulty breathing. She wanted to know if w thought she should call 911. We ended up driving over to see how she was doing and I convinced her to let me call 911 for her. We figured I could drive her to the ER where she might sit for an hour or two or we could call the ambulance where they could at least begin treating her initially with oxygen and get her breathing under control.

I hope I get this right but her blood oxygen level was in the range of 65 when she was up walking about. So we have been scrambling to try and make sure someone can sit with her dad during the day and also stay with him at night time. Monday (I think) Carole was so bad she got put on a full oxygen mask. Mid week we found out that she had tested positive for MRSA which meant that if anyone wanted to visit her they had to gown up with gloves and face mask just to enter the room. After a couple of days they removed the mask restriction but we still had to gown up and put on gloves to go in the room. Also, we found out that through the blood tests they ran the doctor thinks she had a heart attack. My guess would be that maybe that happened last Sunday when we got called to go over there.

The doctors have been trying to figure out how to treat her. The heart doctor was going to to a heart cath, but after going back over Carole's history for the last few years, he said she exhibited the signs of vascular disease and that her arteries show severe calcification (I hope I got that right) and that a catheter isn't an option at this point. The prognosis isn't good. The doctor said she could have an event next week, or she could make it six months. But it sounds like it is only going to go downhill from here.

Add to this the fact that her mom is on all kinds of pain medication to control other things, like the bile duct block and the liver problems, and it just doesn't look good for her. Kris said that yesterday her regular doctor came in and told her that it is probably going to be maybe a month or so, but she isn't going to get better. They can treat the pain for her, but that is about all they can do for her at this point. It is going to be a rough next month or two I think.