Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Storage Debate

As the end of the school year is approaching, we are faced with a decision, how to get Sarah home from school.  The trip up to LaCrosse involved packing the back of my car full in addition to having to rent a U-Haul trailer.  If we do that to get her home for the summer, we’ll have to turn around and do it again to take her back up for school this summer.  Since Sarah decided to live off campus next year, she is able to move her stuff into the apartment in June.  But that will also entail getting back up there a month later, which seems like it would be counter-productive as well as expensive.  So we have been debating renting a storage locker for a couple of months until we can get her moved into the apartment instead.

The way I figure it, the cost of renting a storage unit is going to be roughly a wash with renting a trailer to go both ways as well as the cost of gas to go back and forth.  Or at least it shouldn’t be more.  The only thing is that if that is what I am going to do, then I should have really been looking for a unit to rent at least a month ago.  We are actually going up to LaCrosse this weekend to see about taking a few things back home for Sarah so that we don’t have so much to take back in a couple of weeks (mainly clothes) so the pan is that while we are up there to look around and see what we can find.  Hopefully we’ll be able to find something for not too much since it is only for a couple of months.  Stay tuned…