Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Glazing A Window

Since I finally have time again, I am getting back at trying to get the basement windows re-glazed.  What I should really do is to see what it would take to replace them with glass block, or even a whole new casement window.  But for the time being, this is what I have to work with.

When I was interrupted to take Kris’s dad to the hospital, I was in the middle of removing the old glazing, which was proving to be a little harder than I initially thought.  There were big chunks that had cracked and simply fell out, so I thought it would be easy taking a screwdriver and just chipping the rest away.  I was wrong.  For the most part, it wasn’t bad but there were a couple of spots where it didn’t want to break loose.  In fact, I ended up putting a small crack in one of the edges trying to get it out, but I eventually did it.  I was hoping to get all of the basement windows re-glazed before winter, but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen now.  I am just going to be happy with the one that I did get done and I’ll have to finish the others in the spring.  As long as I have the window covers on them, it should be OK (I hope).