Friday, December 15, 2017

Christmas Card Lie

I admit it, I lied.  Sort of.  I decided to put together a Christmas Card anyway, even though it is late in the year, and I am under the gun to get them mailed out and to their destinations before Christmas.  I happened to be going thru some things in my planner at work, throwing things out and getting ready to replace the calendar for next year when I came across the envelope that I keep all of our previous Christmas Cards.  I have one from every year we have done a photo card going back to 2003, and I started to feel like I needed to at least have one done until Alison is done with high school.  I scoured pictures and came up with a few to use that would give pretty good balance over all.  And I had a 50% off coupon from Walgreens so I was able to get it put together and printed pretty quickly.  It isn't a great card, but it'll do for now.  If I didn't get one sent to you, I apologize.  Merry Christmas from the Hahn's!