Monday, December 11, 2017

MFHS Blood Drive

This year, Alison is in the Health Care Career Academy at school.  Essentially that means she takes elective classes that focus on a career in the health care field.  Every year, the academy sponsors a blood drive, one in the fall semester and one in the spring semester.  Today was the fall semester one, and since I try to donate blood when I can if we have a local blood drive, I thought I would help her out by volunteering to donate.  I thought that since the drive was going on in the morning and early afternoon, they would have trouble finding donors to fill the slots.  Was I ever wrong!  

I had Ali schedule me at 11:30 figuring that I would take an early lunch and just drive home, donate my pint, and then head back to work.  Nope!  I got there at 11:20 for my 11:30 appointment and had about 20 people waiting in front of me.  Apparently, there were a lot of students who volunteered to donate blood too that didn't schedule their appointments ahead of time (why not, after all, you get out of class to do it).  Ali had sent me a message at work saying they were running behind, but I didn't realize how far behind.  I waited around until about 12:30 when I asked if someone could give me an idea of how long it would be yet, and was told that it would probably be at least another 45 minutes.  Unfortunately, I couldn't wait that long.  Even if I would have waited, I wouldn't have gotten back to work until about 2:00 at the earliest.  The good thing is that the kids had a very successful blood drive.  And we have another blood drive going on at work on Wednesday, so hopefully I can still register for that one.