Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Snow

After watching the Packers choke away yet another game, I woke to more snow coming down. So now we are at 34" for the month of December. The snowbank at the end of the driveway is taller than I am. I thought this was the kind of thing you only saw in Buffalo.

But as I am driving home from work, there is some butthead snowblowing his driveway, shooting the snow right into the street. This is a major per peeve of mine. The chute on the snowblower is directional.... You can point it to blow to the side of your driveway. I should also add that at least here it is ILLEGAL!!!!! Where is a cop when you really need one?


Anonymous said...

Depends on whether or not the plow has come through. If the plow hasn't gone by yet, then the snow will wind up right back in the driveway or snowbank anyway. If he was blowing it out there AFTER the plow, then I see your point.