Saturday, March 3, 2012

Taking The Day Off

I took the day off on Friday for Kris's birthday, since she was working on her birthday today.  I try to save a couple of vacation days every year to take off on Kris's birthday, or the girls' birthdays, and I thought I would go take her shopping while the girls were at school and she didn't have to deal with whining, or fighting while she shopped for herself.  Unfortunately, our day was spent at the doctor due to her back issues the night before.

She has been having some severe back pain since January, the result of what the initial exam determined to be a herniated disc.  She got some pain medication and anti-inflammatories, from the doctor and then got a muscle relaxer from the occupational health nurse at the hospital.  This time around though the doctor gave her a shot of some heavy duty anti-inflammatory.  Then they did an x-ray on her back as a precursor, I think, to have in MRI done.  The good thing is that the shot seemed to have helped out enough so that she can at least move now.  So the rest of the day was spent on the couch resting so that she was able to go to work on Saturday.

Not a very good way to spend the day off.