Sunday, March 25, 2012

Springtime Ritual

It is time to repeat the spring ritual of raking/de-thatching the lawn. With the warm spell we have had, I wasn't sure how I would able I would be to get up all the thatch since things were starting to green up so much. I spent about 4 hours Saturday and another four hours on Sunday getting up all the dead grass and leaves from the winter. I only ended up with about two bags of grass, twigs, bark, and branches, which is about 1 bag less that I normally have. I also wanted to make sure I had it finished since this year, we are paying to have fertilizer applied. I figured that for what it would cost me to get fertilizer to put on the grass, I could pay someone to do it and then not have to worry about when I could do it. Hopefully this will be the first step to trying to reclaim my lawn from the clover and dandelions, and other weeds that have slowly taken over.

I also start feeling my age when I do yardwork, especially when I rake thatch. This year though, I was smart and wore work gloves to keep the blisters off my hands. But I can't do much about the sore muscles, other than making sure I do more to keep my muscles loose and in shape.

Also in doing the raking, I noticed quite a few low spots in the lawn, as I always do, when I was doing the back yard, especially around the new fence posts. I will need to get a few bags of top soil and seed and with any luck I'll have the spots built up for the summer. Then again, it may be one of those things that I just never quite find the time to get done this year and will gnaw at me all summer long.