Thursday, October 25, 2012

School Picture Update

We got Sarah's picture mess all straightened out.  I guess all we had to do was tell them that the check we wrote was cashed, and they released them to us.  I found that rather odd that they didn't ask for a copy of the check.  For all they know we could have just lied about it.  But at least we have them now.  I think Kris sent them out to family, so if you didn't get one and want one, let me know.

The other thing though that still concerns me is the name on the check.  I suppose I can just let things go for now, but I still wonder if the name that was written on the check was not in some way fraudulent.  I was ready to go to the police if the picture company wasn't going to let us have her pictures just based on the fact that the copy of the check had a different name on it and wasn't in either Kris's or my handwriting. With any luck, nothing more will come from it.