Saturday, March 25, 2017

Spectrum WiFi - 2

Hooray!!!  We have WiFi again! 

The service guy who came out this morning took one look at our router and said, yeah, he was just going to replace it.  Further, he said they equipment wears out all the time.  When you think about it, the routers are on 24/7 so eventually they just wear out… nothing lasts forever.

He pulled a new one out of the box and went to work getting it hooked up.  Once it was plugged in and booted, he had to do a couple of things to get the setting correct so we could connect things.  It took a bit of doing, such as resetting the router to factory settings and rebooting a couple of times, but at least we’re up and running again.

One thing he also pointed out was that the router really wasn’t in an optimum spot in the house to send the signal everywhere.  That makes sense because we have a sort of a dead spot which required me to hard wire Kris’s computer to the router because it kept dropping the wifi signal, even as all the other devices in the house were working.  I thought it was something that was blocking the signal in that corner of the house, so I connected a couple of Cat 6 cables together and strung it thru the basement to the router.  The technician recommended spending a few bucks to get a wifi extender if we wanted to keep the router where it was.  That may be an idea, but I have no problem moving it if need be, as long as it is out of the way.  But for now I’ll wait and see how the new router performs before looking into picking up an extender.