Saturday, June 24, 2017


In my ongoing efforts to preserve my driveway, it was time to get out the crack and hole patch and start filling in spots before attempting to reseal everything.  This year, in pulling out all the loose chunks of blacktop, I managed to open up quite a few large holes.  I just use the trowel grade hole filler, which is really nothing more than a sand mixture in some sort of oil that will allow it to be spread like peanut butter.  One year, I may just do the whole driveway in that stuff.  Or… Maybe it is time to rip the whole thing out and replace it with concrete.  Next year will be 20 years that I have been working at trying to patch it up good enough to make it thru another winter, and one of these years I am just going to have to suck it up and tear it out.  But for now, I will try and get another year out of it.