Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Starting to Pack

With all the other things going on, Kris and I decided to take a day to start getting things packing in preparation for moving her dad.  I had taken the day off already so we decided that it would be a good time to see about renting a storage locker and getting some of the more unused items packed up and ready to move.  We figured that as soon as we heard whether he was accepted at the new living facility, we would be ready to get him moved within a couple of days.  We figured we’d have a lot to store since the new place has beds that we can use as well as an armoire, and his room really is more of a bedroom rather than an apartment.  So we’ll have to store his bed frame and mattress and his couch and chairs, grandfather clock… basically everything except his dresser.  The only downside is that there wasn’t a closet in the room, so we’ll need to use the armoire as the closet, which means I am not sure how many of his clothes will fit.

We got lucky and found a storage place right off of the highway in the Falls that was cheaper than what I paid to store Sarah’s stuff for a month in LaCrosse.  We went and got that taken care of (signing papers/contracts and setting up recurring payments) and then we went to get a few boxes of things packed up.  We focused mainly on photos, photo albums, pictures for the walls, and some clothes that he doesn’t wear now that he is pretty much confined to his wheelchair.  You don’t realize how much useless stuff you accumulate until you have to start packing it up!  We finished by mid-afternoon with what we wanted to do, so now we just have to wait for the call from Tender Reflections to start moving things.