Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Bad News

I found out through some of the guys in the shop that we are cutting jobs/laying off at work. I don’t get informed of personnel decisions for some reason, but what I learned is that the third shift may be completely eliminated and the guys from third shift moved to second shift. Then there will be selective layoffs of shop employees. In fact they have already begun. Last week when I came in early, there were only (3) guys from third shift working, the rest of the building was empty. Things are getting slow right now, and I don’t know if it is the crummy economy finally catching up with us, or if GE has cut back because of the problems we have been having with their parts. I hope it is the former rather than the latter, but either way, it might not be a bad time to make sure my resume is updated. After all, if I do come across something that would require me working fewer hours for the same amount of money, I’d be all over it!