Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Last Friday Alison brought home a notice of an upcoming school board meeting having to do with redistricting. Kris was talking to the neighbor who told her that there was something in the Menomonee Falls News about kids from Riverside being moved. So we went to the school district website... nothing. then we searched the paper's website and there was a story about the school district voting to have a K4 center at one of the schools and in order to accommodate it, they would be redistricting. The story said 43 kids from Riverside would be moved to Shady Land School next year. Kris and I are mad! We lobby and fight to keep our school open and when we win, the school board turns around and says, yeah, by the way, the school will stay open but you won't be going there. There'll be another board meeting next week that we'll be going to to find out what is going to happen exactly, so stay tuned to see where Alison will go to school next year.