Friday, May 11, 2012

Graduation Day

We found out this week that Alison won't be able to attend Sarah's 8th grade graduation, or as they call it the "completion ceremony".  Because they are having the ceremony in the school auditorium and there are only 740 seats, every family will get two tickets.  Her class has something like 291 kids, so if the kids are all seated in the auditorium too, then seating is going to be very limited.

Now I realize that this is only an 8th grade graduation, but we couldn't have set up chairs in the gym with the bleachers?  I don't know the capacity of the gym but when we had the honors breakfast there were over 1000 people in the gym.  A little bit of planning please!  Alison is a little bit bummed out but there isn't much we can do except make the best of it.  I'll just have to make sure I take a good video of it for her.