Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lost Documents

Yesterday my dad called to see if I knew when my grandmother was naturalized since I have the majority of the Hahn family tree records.  I told him I might have something in the stack of photo copies I got from my aunt, but I didn't have it recorded in Family Tree Maker.  But it reminded me that I wanted to grab all those documents and read through them and input all the information.  I remember seeing a photo copy of my grandparents' wedding announcement that listed all the attendants, etc. and I wanted to record all of that. 

At one time I had it all in a 6 folder, spiral book.  But the spiral had gotten hooked on something and was pulled out at the bottom.  I had gone through everything and took it out of the spiral folders and put them in, what I thought, was a new folder.  Well now I can't find it.  It isn't in the other bins of folders where I have all my other folders of school stuff stored.  It isn't in the file cabinet, and it isn't in Kris's hope chest.  I went though drawers, and cabinets, but I can't seem to locate it.  If I have lost all those papers, I am going to be really mad.