Saturday, May 19, 2012

New Toy

For Mother's Day I got Kris the iPhone 4S.  I have to admit it is pretty cool.  But it has been quite an ordeal learning how to use it.  Best Buy transferred all of her contacts, but it took a bit to download all the apps she wanted as well as getting the hang of the touchpad for typing messages.

Then, once she thought she had it all figured out with syncing it to her calendar in Outlook and her music, things started showing up on her calendar twice, or not at all.  I think it all had to do with using the icloud feature.  I think I have it figured out, at least for now.  I just ended up disabling the calendar in the cloud.  Hopefully that will do it.

Also, it is funny watching Alison or Sarah show Kris how to use things on it, like the camera.  So now when there is something she needs and can't figure out, I just have her call Alison, mainly because I think it's funny.

I would almost consider getting one myself if I could justify the extra cost of it.  I don't know how people have iphones from themselves and their kids, it's just so expensive and unless you are somehow using it for business where you can deduct the cost on your taxes, the cost just doesn't seem practical.