Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In The Home Stretch

We are in the home stretch fro school this year.  Sarah is already getting distracted by everything.  She has five real days of school left, two more this week, and Monday thru Wednesday next week.  Thursday they go spend the day at Great America, and then Friday is a half day of signing yearbooks.  Then she has her graduation ceremony Friday evening.  I don't think she has much actual work left.  She told me she has all her final tests this week, and next week is just going to be pretty much just showing up.

Ali has the same thing going for her, except she doesn't get to go to  Great America. Next week they are going to spend a lot of their time cleaning their room and getting things packed up and put away for the summer. Next year Alison will be the big kid running the school while Sarah will be the pleeb.  I have a feeling that they cannot wait for that final bell to ring this year.