Saturday, March 13, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

We didn’t have anything to do Saturday afternoon, so we decided to take the girls to go see the new Tim Burton movie, Alice in Wonderland. On a scale of 1-5, I’d give it a 3.5. It wasn’t a great movie, but it was enjoyable.

First I loved the idea for the movie, Alice goes back to Wonderland years later and Tim Burton’s unique style really separates this movie. I was very fuzzy though on the whole Anne Hathaway-Helena Bonham Carter relationship. Two sisters fighting over control of Wonderland? Very boring. And the initial reviews I read said that Helena Bonham Carter’s portrayal of the Queen of Hearts was the highlight of the movie. I didn’t see it. It wasn’t bad, but I didn’t think it was particularly outstanding. And overall the message of the movie, the thing that Alice discovers in the end, is that she is her own person and that she doesn’t need to do what is expected of her just to please those around her. Sort of cliche in my opinion. Johnny Depp’s portrayal of the mad Hatter was a little confusing as well. Pick and accent and stick with it please, Johnny. It was also sort of hard to figure out his conflict. Does he want a relationship with Alice? Is he devoted to the white queen? Is there a conflict he has between the two of them?

Visually the movie was great, but the story itself nothing great. A little better than an average movie and the 3D was good. But do yourself a favor and go to the matinee and save yourself the extra couple of bucks.