Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dentist Appointment

I had my regular appointment at the dentist Wednesday, and unfortunately, I ended up having to get a cavity filled. It wasn’t unexpected though. At my last check up I was told I had the start of a small cavity but it wasn’t a big deal and they would just take care of filling it at my next appointment.

Well at this appointment, when I was asked about whether I was having any problems I told the hygienist that I was having periodic discomfort with one tooth when I was flossing. After she looked, it just happened to be the one that they had identified previously as having a cavity. It was an area where I had an old filling that had just worn away and had a small crack start from the edge of the old filling and then it just propagated from there. Luckily for me it didn’t go very deep. And was easy for him to drill out.

So when my regular cleaning was done the dentist got me set up to drill out the cavity and fill the tooth. That guy is an artiste! From the shot to numb my mouth to the drilling to the filling with composite, it took about 10 minutes, didn’t hurt a bit, and my mouth didn’t hurt even when the shot wore off. Nice!