Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Open House

March 1st Kris, Alison, and I had to go to Shady Lane, Ali’s school this fall, for an open house. They principal there had a presentation for all the parents and students that would be coming over in the fall to meet the staff and to get to know the school. While it was a nice presentation, and the staff all seems very nice, especially the principal, we still just feel like it isn’t Riverside.

I am sure that we will end up liking it there just fine, but Kris and I both feel like we are losing the whole “family feel” of the school. Maybe it is just that we are on a first name basis with all the staff at Riverside and that we have seven years of rapport built up there. We just aren’t going to have that at Shady Lane. And since Alison will be there for three years, it is going to be hard to build up the kind of rapport with the staff that we enjoyed at Riverside, because as soon as you start getting comfortable, Ali will move on to middle school.

One thing that was nice was that one of the teachers at Shady lane was at Riverside a couple of years ago, and she recognized us right away. She will be teaching Ali’s grade next year, so maybe she’ll be lucky enough to have Alison in her class.