Friday, October 11, 2013

Reunion Weekend

This weekend is Kris's 25th class reunion.  So we spent the night tonight at the Falls football game and tomorrow night there is a dinner.  After the game tonight apparently there was a get together at Krueger Lanes, which is just down the street from our house.  But we didn't go. We had to get ready for Ali's game in the morning, plus I have outside things to do before getting ready for the dinner tomorrow.

After the dinner there is going to be a DJ and dancing, though I am sure everyone will group off into their cliques and talk about how fat the other cliques have gotten.  The venue where it is being held is, to put it mildly, a dive.  I've driven past the place several times in the past twenty years, but have never been inside.  Kris told me that even back 25 years ago the place was considered a dive.  So I am a little afraid about what it is going to be like tomorrow night.  I just hope I don't end up with food poisoning.