Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Summer Is Ova!

Yep, summer, it's sad to see you go.  We hardly knew you. 

This week marks the start of school prep.  We have already done the back to school shopping and I think the girls have almost everything they need.  On Monday Alison had her registration at North.  We got all her fees paid and her pictures done.  Tuesday Sarah had her school registration and photos, but this time we didn't need to go since she could drive herself.  It was nice not having to worry about that, even though we had to deal with a little bit of a meltdown because Sarah was having a bad hair day, or didn't know what to do with her hair.  That didn't sit well with me, or Kris.  Luckily she got her act together before registration was over. 

So now we have a little over a week before the school bell rings again and we can really stick a fork in summer.  Though I wouldn't be surprised if once school starts we get a two week stretch of 90° heat with Florida-like dew points.  That's just the way this summer had gone.