Saturday, August 30, 2014

One Week In

I am now one week in at my new job and I am really enjoying things.  I feel like this is a position where I am actually going to get some help in advancing my skills, not just stagnating.  The company actually encourages continuing education and training classes which is something I was looking for.  However, one thing I have realized is that I am way behind in where I should be with respect to my engineering skills.  I am having to learn things that I should have picked up years ago.  Unfortunately, the previous job I had didn't do much with trying to stay current with industry trends and advancements. 

So I think it will take a little bit of time, but I think I will eventually get up to speed sooner than later.  I already have some projects I am working on and areas I am going to be responsible for, which is good.  And the fact that I need to review the whole casting process to become familiar with what we are doing will keep me very busy.  I haven't had much in the way of casting experience since I graduated, so it will take all of my spare time reading up on things and reviewing other materials.  But overall I think things are going good.