Tuesday, August 19, 2014

War on Squirrels

It's on now!  I am talking about war being declared on the squirrels, and to some extent the chipmunks too.  Recently, the squirrels have taken to eating Kris's hibiscus flowers and buds.  I can't remember how long she had been getting hibiscuses for the summer, I want to say as long as we have been in the house.  But this is the first year I have actually seen the squirrels eating them. 

Now she bought a couple of perennial hibiscus and before I could get them planted a couple of squirrels climbed into it and broke off half of the branches.  So now she has to try and salvage them.  I am hoping that if I get it planted it will at least grow and be able to survive until next year.

After they were planted we went to Stein and used Sarah's discount to get some spray that is supposed to repel chipmunks and squirrels.  Hopefully it will keep them away from eating the flowers and digging in the dirt to bury the seeds they steal from the bird feeders in the backyard.  If I didn't like watching the cardinals and woodpeckers, I'd get rid of all the feeders and save the hassle.