Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Donating Blood

Tuesday I cut out of work a little early to go donated blood. Ever since I donated blood at the blood drive that Sarah's troop set up in Dec. of 2008, I have been periodically getting phone calls from the American Red Cross to donate blood. I wouldn't have a problem doing it, but it's a little more than a half an hour drive to the blood center and then the time it takes to donate... so by the time everything is dine with, I've lost an hour and a half. I wish they would do more blood drives locally. That would be much more convenient.

Then again, when I set up this appointment, I thought to myself it isn't very convenient for someone to get into a car accident, or for someone who needs an organ transplant. That's really pretty inconvenient. So an hour and a half out my day really doesn't seem like much does it?

The process itself was pretty quick once I got there. I was in and out in half an hour. My next opportunity to donate will be mid July. I've already penciled it in.