Monday, May 24, 2010

Toy Story

Sunday Night, we decided to, as a family, watch the greatest PIXAR movie ever, Toy Story. I have been trying to get the girls pumped up for the release of Toy Story 3 for the past couple of weeks. However, Alison knows nothing about Toy Story. We had it on an old VHS tape which I bought when it was first released about 10 years ago. However, since the demise of the video cassette, we haven't had a VHS player so all the Disney videos have been sitting in a cabinet collecting dust.

So first, I have to say that I am VERY partial to Toy Story. I absolutely love the concept. Who else but Disney would have thought of this idea? It is more than just "what if children's toys had their own lives when the kids aren't around". It emcompasses the relationship between the toys. How the child's favorite toy is essentially "President" and what would happen to that hierarchy should it ever change. AWESOME IDEA!

So I promised Alison that we would watch Toy Story and Toy Story 2 before The third installment came out June 18th. She totally loved it. In the final sequence when Woody and Buzz are trying to catch up to the moving van as Andy's family is moving, she was actually "rooting" for Buzz and Woody to catch up to the van, out loud! I think that is the mark of a really great movie. To get the viewer so involved in the story that they feel like an extended character.

Sarah, while I am sure we watched it with her when she was a baby, said she had never seen it either. And while not as excited as Alison, she enjoyed it as well. So the original Toy Story gets two thumbs up from the Hahns. Next up, Toy Story 2. I thought I had a copy of it on DVD, but I can't find it. So I need to track down a copy within the next week so we are prepared for the big screen release of Toy Story 3 in a few weeks.