Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Home Sick

Yesterday I stayed home with Ali. She was running a fever again, so first thing this morning,I called the doctor. When we got there her fever was 103.7. The doctor thought is was just a viral thing but wanted to take a set of chest x-rays just to be sure because I had mentioned that Alison had developed a slight cough.

When we got back from x-ray he called us back in and asked Ali to sit back down on the exam table. He said the films showed a slight pneumonia and he wanted to listen again. He listened and said that yes, there was definitely diminished breathing here. He said he must have had the bulb of his stethoscope on the bone and as soon as he moved it slightly he could hear it clearly.

So now we get to do antibiotics for the next ten days. Hopefully she'll clear up quickly.