Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More Problems at School

Over the weekend we pryed out of Alison that she has been having more trouble at school. She said there are a couple of other girls who are picking on her out on the playground. From what she told us I am not sure if it is them picking on her or just normal child arguments. But whatever it is, it has Alison upset enough that she didn't want to eat all weekend. She was in tears Sunday night saying she didn't want to go to school

Monday when I dropped her off at school her day care teacher saw that she was upset and clinging to my leg. She came over and asked what was wrong so I gave her a brief lowdown. It turns out that she used to work as social worker with children and asked if I would like her to try and talk to Alison and put her at ease. I thanked her and said if she could that would be great. This is the kind of attention that I fear we are going to be missing next year when we go to Shady Lane.

When I got home Monday Alison said she had a good day, and today when I got home I got a big hug and she told me she didn't cry at all today. Hopefully she is finally over this.