Monday, April 12, 2010

Sick Kids

Starting on Thursday night, Ali has been running a fever. She was feeling a little sick Thursday night and all day Friday, but not that bad. Friday night she said she was tired and not feeling well so I felt her head and she was burning up. Kris took her temp and she was 101. Even Gizmo decided to lay by her to make her feel better (which is something he NEVER does).

Saturday she spent the day resting and we thought she was feeling better. Easter Sunday she woke up feeling much better, but by about noon she was back to running about a 100 fever. By Monday night she was back to feeling better, which was good since Sarah is the acting babysitter.

Thursday Kris gives me a call at work and says that Alison called her to tell her that Sarah was sick. In fact, Sarah was throwing up sick. She then spent the next three days in her pajamas recovering. With any luck this thing has now run its course and Kris and I won’t be the next to catch it.