Friday, August 6, 2010

Florida Trip

We are on vacation! YAY!

My parents are treating us to a trip to see them (our Christmas gift from them last year). The girls decided they wanted to see their grandparents in Florida for their birthdays this year, so we are on our way to The Villages for the next nine days. Everyone has told me that we are going to melt there at this time of year. I have been watching the heat indexes in Florida and that just may be. They have been over 100 degrees for the last two weeks. It looks like we will be spending a lot of time in my parents’ pool. We are also going to go to the Disney parks Sunday night thru Wednesday. Hopefully we’ll be able to take the heat walking around the parks. Keep checking back for photos and descriptions of what we did that day. I am going to try and keep things updated daily on or trip.